Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oh the joys...

So last night my darling 8 year old begrudgingly started to set the table, moaning about cutlery, the plight of being the oldest child, and the fact that Matthew was to be joining us for dinner. In his house! At his table! Eating the food he paid for! So, disgusted as I was at the attitude of my darling boy, I sent him to his room. Then, clever me, took him his dinner to eat up there, alone. I was dead proud of my hard, staunch stand, and sat down to eat my meal in peace with the rest of the family. James finished his meal, practically licked the plate dry. And when I challenged him on what it was like to eat alone in his room, he said..."Actually Mum I quite enjoyed the peace and quiet for a change!" Damn it! I will just have to use that tactic not for punishment but rather to get the meal eaten! Oh the joys...

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